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DIGIVIN Bitters x 200ml

Two teaspoonful (10ml) twice a day with water after meals.

A bitters for improving liver function and managing digestive problems.


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DIGIVIN is a blend of herbs of highest quality, providing support to digestive system. Studies suggest that the herbs used in DIGIVIN promote digestive health and help in the management of problems like stomach upset, dyspepsia, indigestion and flatulence.

The herbs increase bile solubility and this aids digestion tremendously and also reduces cholesterol naturally. DIGIVIN helps to improve digestion and is useful in constipation.

It possess hepato-protective and appetite stimulatory activity. Aloe vera present in the formulation prevents stomach ulcers, facilitates digestion and intestinal transit. It is known for its stool softening activity and is also helpful in detoxifying the digestive system and inflammatory conditions associated with the GIT.

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